Friday, September 19, 2008

searhing and get paid??

how often you surf and searching a day?
and how often you surf and searching in net and get paid? how cool is that?
you can search and earn money at same times in My search found.
the service is totally FREE. they charged you nothing to use this service as they split the revenue generated on bonafide searches with you 50/50 .
How much money received clearly depends upon how much you use the service for your typical day to day Internet searches. Based upon our experience to date we estimate that the average user regularly searching the internet could readily raise in excess of £50 per year.
Sign in to your account and tell us how you want to be paid: either into your bank account or via PayPal. We pay you every 30 days, 45 days after each month end. e.g. For searches in January they pay you in mid March. There is a £20 minimum payment, so if you have not reached this amount in any month they will hold the payment over to the next month.

happy searching guys...;)


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